installation - CMake resources in source code for build and install -

this has been on mind years. using resource files cmake in code such can accessed when running in build directory , when installed.

say have files necessary run program in top-level directory called res. contains res/file1.txt , res/file2.txt. build program , resources copied build directory program can run during development. then, program installed resources /usr/share/my_program or , program runs accessing files. question in source code same code works when running build directory , when installed. i've seen several different answers how handle resources each seems have flaw:

  1. the program searches in preconfigured absolute directory such cmake_install_prefix/share/my_program , must installed first run, not ideal easy use during development.
  2. finding way use relative paths binary don't see how work since build tree not mirror installed file paths, being installed bin , share directories.
  3. differentiating between 2 cmake variable searches relative path in 1 scenario or installed location another. possibly debug/release variable. require rerunning cmake before installing rebuild new resource paths.
  4. baking files executable. seems uneccessary when dealing resources since opened instead , may inconvenient large directories of files.

is 1 of these best solution? there i'm not misunderstanding? i've been under impression programs should able run build directory before installing see if work. if possible, know both cmake , c/c++ code like, such open("my_resource_location"); , my_cmake_command(). answers i've seen relating resources don't include both.


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