python - Convert XML structure into a Pandas DataFrame without using a complex set of for loops -

i'm trying convert xml pandas dataframe. tried method austin taylor website without success.

here's code far:

import xml.etree.elementtree et import pandas pd  xml_data = open("c:\\users\\john__000\\documents\\analytics\\anlt data wrangling\\assignments viz\/xdemo_stat.xml").read()  def xml2df(xml_data): root = et.xml(xml_data) # element tree all_records = [] i, child in enumerate(root):     record = {}     subchild in child:         record[subchild.tag] = subchild.text         all_records.append(record) return pd.dataframe(all_records) 

after running code, nothing happened. i'm expecting dataframe didn't work. might issue?


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