Check if array is consecutive then delete values in between vba -

i have array being set selected items listbox. need know how check see if there consecutive values in array delete values between lowest , highest values of consecutive numbers.

here example show mean:

dim sheets() long dim selected string  redim sheets(i) = 1 listbox1.listcount - 1     if listbox1.selected(i) = true         selected = listbox1.list(i)         redim preserve sheets(i)         sheets(i) = selected     end if next 

the array used solidworks api function sets print sheet range. why cant have more 2 consecutive numbers.

that being said if there easier way based on deselecting consecutive listbox items ears too.

thank you

with these values in listbox (all selected), get:

listbox  result -> array(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)    1        1    3        3    4      5        5    7        7    8      9        9   11       11 

option explicit  public sub getminmaxofconsecutives()     dim sheets() long, long, totalitms long     dim prev boolean, nxt boolean, used long, long      used = 1     listbox1    'sheet1.listbox1         totalitms = .listcount - 1         redim sheets(1 totalitms)         = 1 totalitms - 1             if .selected(i)                 = .list(i)                 prev = iif(.selected(i - 1), - 1 <> .list(i - 1), true)                 nxt = iif(.selected(i + 1), + 1 <> .list(i + 1), true)                 if prev or nxt                     sheets(used) =                     used = used + 1                 end if             end if         next         if .selected(i) sheets(used) = .list(i) else used = used - 1         if used > 0 redim preserve sheets(1 used) else redim sheets(0)         'showarray sheets     end end sub 

private sub showarray(byref arr() long)     dim long     = lbound(arr) ubound(arr)         debug.print arr(i)     next end sub 


to double items not part of sequence make sure increase initial array size accommodate case:

listbox  result -> array(1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9)    1    3    5    7    9 

public sub getminmaxofconsecutives2()     dim sheets() long, long, totalitms long     dim prev boolean, nxt boolean, used long, long      used = 1     listbox1         totalitms = .listcount - 1          redim sheets(1 totalitms * 2 + 1)    '<-- double upper bound          = 1 totalitms - 1             if .selected(i)                 = .list(i)                  prev = iif(.selected(i - 1), - 1 <> .list(i - 1), true)                 nxt = iif(.selected(i + 1), + 1 <> .list(i + 1), true)                  if prev or nxt                     if prev , nxt                         sheets(used) =                         used = used + 1                     end if                     sheets(used) =                     used = used + 1                 end if              end if         next          if .selected(i) sheets(used) = .list(i) else used = used - 1         if used > 0 redim preserve sheets(1 used) else redim sheets(0)         'showarray sheets      end end sub 


if use listfillrange property fill in items in listbox make sure don't use entire columns, example don't use "a:a" because add 1+ m items list (even empty cells)

if microsoft decides increase grid size billion rows in new excel version, working listbox take long time

instead populate used range respective column:

listbox1.listfillrange = sheet1.usedrange.columns(1).address


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