vb.net - Datagridview Row Post Paint infinite loop issue -

i programming in vb.net inside windows forms sql end. issue using 2 separate sql queries try , color multiple datagridview rows yellow, red, or green. problem each row, check row see if should yellow, , check same row see if should green. set rows red begin with. think problem if row set red, when change yellow, restarts the row post paint event.

   private sub datagridview1_rowpostpaint(sender object, e  datagridviewrowpostpainteventargs) handles datagridview1.rowpostpaint  datagridview1.defaultcellstyle.backcolor = color.red          using conn1 new sqlconnection(connstring)             conn1.open()             using comm1 new sqlcommand("select * table1 orderno = @order , left(item, 10) = @part , [cut?] = 1", conn1)                 comm1.parameters                     .addwithvalue("@order", datagridview1.rows(e.rowindex).cells("orderno").value)                     .addwithvalue("@part", datagridview1.rows(e.rowindex).cells("part").value)                 end                 dim dt new datatable                 dim sql new sqldataadapter(comm1)                 sql.fill(dt)                 if dt.rows.count >= 1                     datagridview1.rows(e.rowindex).defaultcellstyle.backcolor = color.yellow                 end if             end using             conn1.close()         end using          using conn1 new sqlconnection(connstring)             conn1.open()             using comm1 new sqlcommand("select * table1 orderno = @order , left(itemnum, 10) = @part , [completed?] = 1", conn1)                 comm1.parameters                     .addwithvalue("@order", datagridview1(e.rowindex).cells("order").value)                     .addwithvalue("@part", datagridview1.rows(e.rowindex).cells("part").value)                 end                 dim dt new datatable                 dim sql new sqldataadapter(comm1)                 sql.fill(dt)                 if dt.rows.count >= 1                     datagridview1.rows(e.rowindex).defaultcellstyle.backcolor = color.green                 end if             end using             conn1.close()         end using   end sub 

the datagridview load , color in rows program doing because cells blink if program doing rows. form freezes up, not in crashed, in form unresponsive because busy running row post paint code. need find way code run once on each line , stop.


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