ember.js - Passing contextual components to child template though an outlet in EmberJS -

i've been having fun embers contextual components. i'd find out if there clean way have component "contexts" shared child templates through outlet.


{{outlet foo='bar'}} 

in example below ht-window component controls 3 column layout; list, details & actions. navigate between users/view & users/edit last 2 columns should update.

the functionality of these components requires pane components have reference parent window component.

i know use service this, if possible using contextual components seems cleaner.

here's code far, edit.hbs , view.hbs not have access window not work.

in app/templates/users.hbs

{{#ht-window |window|}}    {{#window.header}}     ...navigation   {{/window.header}}    {{#window.pane}}     ...list   {{/window.pane}}    {{outlet window=window}}  {{/ht-window}} 

in app/templates/users/view.hbs

{{#window.pane}}   ...view {{/window.pane}} {{#window.pane}}   ...actions {{/window.pane}} 

in app/templates/users/edit.hbs

{{#window.pane}}   ...form {{/window.pane}} {{#window.pane}}   ...actions {{/window.pane}} 

in app/templates/components/ht-window.hbs

{{yield (hash   header=(component 'ht-window-header')   pane=(component 'ht-window-pane' window=this) )}} 


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