c# - AspNet MVC - return RedirectToAction is not working with image upload (if file.SaveAs gets called) -

return redirecttoaction not working if imageupload.saveas(path); executed otherwise working (i mean if not select image not reach line imageupload.saveas(path);).

here code:

[httppost]     public actionresult createnewemployee(employee emplview, httppostedfilebase imageupload)     {         if (!modelstate.isvalid)         {             var mod = new personaldetailsviewmodel(emplview);             return view("addemployee", mod);         }         if (imageupload != null && imageupload.contentlength > 0)         {             var filename = emplview.employeeid + "_" + path.getfilename(imageupload.filename);             var path = path.combine(server.mappath("~/content/images/"), filename);              imageupload.saveas(path);             emplview.photograph = filename;         }         _dbcontext.employees.add(emplview);         _dbcontext.savechanges();          return redirecttoaction("personaldetails", new { id = emplview.employeeid });     } 

i checked debugger, reaching last line , executing not redirecting action method. don't know doing wrong?

i checked within following method of global.asax hidden error, there wasn't any:

protected void application_error(object sender, eventargs e)     {         exception ex = server.getlasterror();     } 

perhaps move your: imageupload.saveas(path); async method allowing rest of code execute without waiting image upload process finish. suspecting getting collusion image upload request while trying give response controller.


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