Dictionary Syntax Error in Google Apps Script -

i have function creates dictionary based on series of values sheet. try pull 1 of values sheet using key. works fine log console. however, in if statement, says syntax error , nothing else. cannot figure out. here function , code crashes. problem occurs in loop, , not occur outside of it.

//creates dictionary function columnlocationwithnotation(notation) {   var spreadsheet = spreadsheetapp.openbyurl();   var sheet = spreadsheet.getactivesheet();   var data = sheet.getdatarange();   var cells = data.getvalues();   var dictionary = {};    switch (notation) {     case "zeroindex":       (var = 0; < sheet.getlastrow(); i++) {         dictionary[cells[i][0]] = cells[i][1]         }        return dictionary       break;     case "regularindex":        (var = 0; < sheet.getlastrow(); i++) {         dictionary[cells[i][0]] = cells[i][2]       }       return dictionary       break;     case "string":        (var = 0; < sheet.getlastrow(); i++) {         dictionary[cells[i][0]] = cells[i][3]       }       return dictionary       break;                } }  var master0indexdictionary = columnlocationwithnotation("zeroindex")  (var = 1; =< (sheet.getlastrow() - 1); i++) {   var phone = master0indexdictionary["tutor name"]   if (cells[i][phone] === phonenumber) { //line syntax error     //do  } 

it's not highlighted line causing problem, though there many other issues script. there's no '=<' operator in javascript. use '<=' instead:

for (var = 1; <= (sheet.getlastrow() - 1); i++) { 

also, tanaike pointed out, 'cells' variable defined in context of 'columnlocationwithnotation(notation)' function , not accessible global context. globally-defined variables visible functions declare inside global object, not vice versa. same applies 'sheet' variable. 'phonenumber' variable doesn't seem defined, @ least not in snippet of code provided.

note putting 'break' after 'return' statements redundant.

 return dictionary;       break; 

you can return out of 'switch' statement without using breaks, or leave breaks , put single 'return' statement after 'switch'.

finally, put semicolon @ end of line. doing avoid many potential pitfalls , issues js parser. noticed several instances omitted semicolon:

 return dictionary       break;        var phone = master0indexdictionary["tutor name"] 

for example, following code break if don't have habit of putting semicolon in rightful place

var = {name: 'john'}  //no semicolon [a].foreach(function(element) {   logger.log(element);    //logs undefined   }) 

the js parser treats code 1 line, 'a' still 'undefined' time call 'foreach()' loop on array.


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