batch file - Quit command prompt after exiting Electron app -

is there way close command prompt after command line program ends?

i have electron app starting batch file following commands:

start npm start 

after exiting electron app, command prompt remains open. i've tried adding exit end of batch file, not work.

i recommend implementing goto placeholders in batch file script can follow defined path or workflow.

similar answer here... batch - if, elseif, else

if need run command initiated batch file can use /c flag close new window once command completed.

see answer here... bat file: open new cmd window , enter code in there's example had lying around allows user input if require multiple tasks within batch script. included 2 examples /k flag allows windows remain open, , /c flag closes initial command prompt.

@echo off :start cls @echo select action: @echo. @echo 1= task 1 (new cmd /c, start npm -l) @echo 2= task 2 (new cmd /k, start npm -l) @echo. set /p userinp=enter choice: set userinp=%userinp:~0,1% if "%userinp%"=="1" goto 1 if "%userinp%"=="2" goto 2 if "%userinp%"=="3" goto 3 if "%userinp%"=="4" goto 4  if not "%userinp%" =="" @echo invalid choice pause goto start  :1 start cmd /c start npm -l @echo task 2 complete... @echo. @echo closing in 10 seconds... timeout /t 10 goto end  :2 start cmd /k start npm -l @echo task 2 complete... @echo. @echo closing in 10 seconds... timeout /t 10 goto end  :end  exit 


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