uitableview - UITableViewRowAction is too wide in iOS 11 -

i use following trick in order have images in table view row actions:

how manage equal width uitableviewrowaction in ios8.0?(more,delete,etc actions)

uitableviewrowaction *completeaction = [uitableviewrowaction                                         rowactionwithstyle:uitableviewrowactionstylenormal                                         title:@"   "                                         handler:^(uitableviewrowaction *action, nsindexpath *indexpath) {                                             ...                                         }]; completeaction.backgroundcolor = [uicolor colorwithpatternimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"myimagehere"]]; 

but no longer works ios 11 - width of row action button big image it's repeated:


is there fix this?

i had same problem , able fix it. however, solution quite hacky , needs explanation:

we'll have implement own uitableview, modifies layout of it's subviews , subsubviews in layoutsubviews(). view contains action buttons uiswipeactionpullview , subview. type not available @ compile time (maybe knows how check type?), can check type uikit.uiview , check if view has same amount of subviews (uibutton) defined action buttons.

we want avoid our subview wider sum of widths of our action buttons. in case need fix size , position of our uiswipeactionpullview. furthermore need fix positioning of uibutton.

my code gives example 3 fixed width action buttons:

class customtableview: uitableview {     public customtableview(cgrect frame, uitableviewstyle style) : base(frame, style)     {     }      public override void layoutsubviews()     {         base.layoutsubviews();         var buttonsize = 54;          foreach (var actionview in subviews)         {             if (actionview.gettype().fullname == "uikit.uiview" && actionview.subviews.length == 3)             {                 if (actionview.frame.width >= buttonsize* 3)                 {                     actionview.frame = new cgrect(frame.width - 3 * buttonsize, actionview.frame.y, buttonsize* 3, buttonsize);                     int = 0;                     foreach (var button in actionview.subviews)                     {                         button.frame = new cgrect(i * buttonsize, 0, buttonsize, buttonsize);                         i++;                     }                 }             }         }     } } 


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