C++ struct in separate header file -

this question has answer here:

i've tried organize project thought include of global variables, #includes , struct definition in global.h header. can't understand concept , errors during build seem prove that. when try access global.h in logic.h happens.


#ifndef global_h #define global_h #include "logic.h" #include <sdl.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "graphics.h"  //global variables , structs enum directions {     d_up,     d_left,     d_down,     d_right,     d_total };  struct character {     float health;     float x;     float y;     float velocity;     bool collision[d_total];     directions direction;     sdl_rect animation;     sdl_rect sprite; };  const int windowwidth = 800; const int windowheight = 600; const int framewidth = 64; const int frameheight = 64; #endif // global_h 


#include "global.h" //header gamelogic functions  //initialization of variables new character void initcharacter(character &newcharacter, float x, float y, directions startingdirection); 

when try build error i'm getting:

||=== build: debug in gameproject0.2 (compiler: gnu gcc compiler) ===| c:\users\rafał\documents\gameproject0.2\gameproject0.2\logic.h|5|error: variable or field 'initcharacter' declared void| c:\users\rafał\documents\gameproject0.2\gameproject0.2\logic.h|5|error: 'character' not declared in scope| c:\users\rafał\documents\gameproject0.2\gameproject0.2\logic.h|5|error: 'newcharacter' not declared in scope| c:\users\rafał\documents\gameproject0.2\gameproject0.2\logic.h|5|error: expected primary-expression before 'float'| c:\users\rafał\documents\gameproject0.2\gameproject0.2\logic.h|5|error: expected primary-expression before 'float'| c:\users\rafał\documents\gameproject0.2\gameproject0.2\logic.h|5|error: 'directions' not declared in scope| ||=== build failed: 6 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===| 

i not sure i'm missing. advice!

when include "global.h", 1 of first things says include "logic.h", processor opens file, finds include "global.h", nothing because of include guard, finds void initcharacter(character &newcharacter, , gets confused because doesn't yet know character is. returns include, lexes enum directions, finally lexes struct character, then knows character is, far late.

in general, try make sure includes go 1 way. make sure logic includes global, or global includes logic, not both.

or, if you're lazy, there's trick sidesteps issue: put function , class definitions before includes, possible. global tell compiler class character exists, when includes logic.h, won't have issue.

#ifndef global_h #define global_h  enum directions; struct character; //if you're lazy, works  #include "logic.h" #include <sdl.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "graphics.h"  //global variables , structs enum directions {     d_up,     d_left,     d_down,     d_right,     d_total };  struct character {     ... 


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