unable to store variable in Matlab Gui -
i know several variants of issue have been discussed elsewhere, still unable solve problem. please help. i have created function part of larger gui, unable store 3 data variables (avex, avey, avez) later use guidata(hobject, handles). doing wrong? here function: %call checkbox values = 1:30 checkboxes=get(handles.(sprintf('checkboxav%d',i)),'value') checkboxes(i,1)=checkboxes(1,1); end plotdata=handles.plotdata; [row,col] = find(checkboxes==1) num=length(plotdata{1,1}(:,1)); datay = zeros(num,length(row));%zero matrix %average y data k=1:length(row) datay(:,k)=plotdata{row(k,1),col(k,1)}(:,4); end [m,n] = size(datay) if (n==1) avey=datay' elseif (n>1) avey=mean(datay'); end avey=avey'; %average x data kk=1:length(row) datax(:,kk)=plotdata{row(kk,1),col(kk,1)}(:,1); end test=datax(:,1); comp=any(bsxfun(@minus,datax,test),1) s = sum(comp) if (s > 0) h=msgbox(['note! wavelength index selected samp