javascript - Cannot read property 'entries' of undefined in -

everything worked , there mistake cannot read property 'entries' of undefined ? (including googlemaps api)

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'entries' of undefined @ js?key=<api_key>&callback=map.init:105


    map.init = function (id) {     id = id || 'map';     map = new, {         center: {lat: 46.409998, lng: 30.710000},         scrollwheel: true,         zoom: this.address ? 20 : 12     });      infowindow = new google.maps.infowindow();      map.addlistener('zoom_changed', function () {         var zoom = map.getzoom();         if (zoom > zoomshowpoints && !pointsvisibility) {             pointsvisibility = true;             points.foreach(function (item) {                 item.setvisible(pointsvisibility);             });         } else if (zoom <= zoomshowpoints && pointsvisibility) {             pointsvisibility = false;             points.foreach(function (item) {                 item.setvisible(pointsvisibility);             });         }     });      getusers(); }; 

it solved adding version param


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