php - Hostbuddy SMTP mail test, having troubles, could not connect to SMTP host -

i new php , im trying set postmaster, using hostbuddy hosting site , downloaded smtp information server.

i got these files them automatically uploaded server testing smtp:

class.phpmailer.php class.smtp.php index.php web.config 

i think entering correct information test. keep getting callback says, "could not connect smtp server".

here index.php guys can see going on.

<center><h2>php test email script</h2></center> <?php // display form if user has not clicked submit if (!isset($_post["submit"])) {   ?>   <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_server["php_self"];?>" target="_blank"> <table align = center>    <tr><td>from email: <td><input type="text" name="uname"> i.e</tr>   <tr><td>email password: <td><input type="password" name="pass"></tr> <tr><td>host: <td><input type="text" name="host"> i.e</tr>  <tr><td>to:<td> <input type="text" name="to"></tr>    <tr><td colspan =2 align = center><input type="submit" name="submit" value="send email"></tr> </table>   </form>    <?php  }  else {    // user has submitted form  include("class.phpmailer.php"); //you have upload class files "class.phpmailer.php" , "class.smtp.php"  $mail = new phpmailer();  $mail->issmtp(); $mail->smtpauth = true;  $mail->host = $_post["host"];  $mail->username = $_post["uname"]; $mail->password = $_post["pass"];   $mail->from = $_post["uname"]; $mail->fromname = "demouser";  $mail->addaddress($_post["to"],"test"); $mail->subject = "this subject"; $mail->body = "this sample message using smtp authentication"; $mail->wordwrap = 50; $mail->ishtml(true); $str1= ""; $str2=strtolower($_post["uname"]); if(strstr($str2,$str1)) { $mail->smtpsecure = 'tls'; $mail->port = 587; if(!$mail->send()) { echo "mailer error: " . $mail->errorinfo; echo "<br><br> * please double check user name , password confirm both of them correct. <br><br>"; echo "* if first time use gmail smtp send email, please refer link :"; }  else { echo "message has been sent"; } } else{     $mail->port = 25;     if(!$mail->send()) { echo "mailer error: " . $mail->errorinfo; echo "<br><br>* please double check user name , password confirm both of them correct. <br>"; }  else { echo "message has been sent"; } }   } ?> 

any info great, in advance!

you need add true smtp gmail can add : 

setting requirement

options : port 25, 465 ou 587 protocoles ssl/tls (secure socket layer/transport layer security)  port 465 (ssl require). port 587 (tls require). adresses dynamic ip allowed.   port 25. tls no require. adresses dynamic ip allowed.  


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