objective c - Button Action addTarget call another class method with singleton shareInstance, and send with dynamic parameter -
i want design user story when user click uibutton "choose fruit" on class call choosefruit method on class b different parameter, such banana, apple, orange. requirement, search internet found out use shareinstance (singleton pattern) can achieve call class method. people shareinstance not recommend send parameter. (https://stackoverflow.com/a/28652715/8305553)
but every time button clicked, must send different fruit method. here code, believe way not best practice. can provide better way to approach user story?
@implementation choosefruitviewcontroller { nsstring *fruit; } uibutton *choosefruit = [[uibutton alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(20, 200, 150, 40)]; [choosefruit settitle:@"choose fruit" forstate: uicontrolstatenormal]; [choosefruit setbackgroundcolor: [uicolor bluecolor]]; choosefruitclass *choosefruitclasstest = [choosefruitclass sharedinstance]; fruit = @"banana"; [choosefruitclasstest setfruit:fruit]; [choosefruit addtarget: choosefruitclasstest action:@selector(testalert:) forcontrolevents: uicontroleventtouchupinside]; [self.view addsubview: choosefruit];
#import <foundation/foundation.h> @interface choosefruit: nsobject @property (nonatomic, retain) nsstring *fruit; +(choosefruit *)sharedinstance; -(void)setfruit:(nsstring *)fruit; @end
#import "choosefruit.h" @interface choosefruit() -(void)testalert: (id)target; @end @implementation choosefruit + (choosefruit *)sharedinstance { static choosefruit *sharedinstance = nil; static dispatch_once_t oncetoken; dispatch_once(&oncetoken, ^{ sharedinstance = [[self alloc] init]; }); return sharedinstance; } - (void)setfruit:(nsstring *)fruit { if (self) { _fruit = fruit; } } -(void)testalert: (id)target { uialertview *alert = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:_fruit message:nil delegate:target cancelbuttontitle:@"ok" otherbuttontitles:nil]; [alert show]; [alert release]; }
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