python - Write a program to allow the user to enter a number of 5-character product codes, in the format LLNNN (L=letter, N=number) -

write program allow user enter number of 5-character product codes, in format llnnn (l=letter, n=number).

count , print total number of product codes starting “ab” , total number of product codes ending in “00”.

devise set of test data test program , show evidence of testing.

here have far prints 0 @ end.

print( """ welcome product code sorter. plese enter stop signal have finished. please enter in format llnnn    """) ab = 0 oo = 0 product = input("please enter product code ") while (product != "stop"):   product = input("please enter product code")  def count_letters(ab):     ab in word:      if product == "ab":       ab += 1    return product      00 in word:      if product =="00":     oo += 1  return product     print(ab)  print(oo) 


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