javascript - Why are my checkbox and double-click functions not responsive? -
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i have code making table on fly checkbox, , refreshing after minute. checkbox , double-click functions not working, , i'm not sure why. please help.
<script type='text/javascript'> function vehicle() { $('#vehicles').html( <?php $username =$_session['user_name']; $sql = "select * gps_product gp_userid ='$username'"; $db = new dbclass($sql); echo '"<table>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>name</th>'; echo '<th>driver</th>'; echo '<th>last seen</th>'; echo '<th>follow</th>'; echo '<th>status</th>'; echo '<th>speed</th>'; echo '<th>engine</th>'; echo '<th>address</th>'; echo '</tr>'; while ($db->fetch_array()){ $timezone = $db->get('gp_timezone'); $sql2 = "select *, date_add(gm_gpstime, interval ".$timezone." hour) gpstime gps_msg gm_imei = '" . $db->get('gp_imei') . "' , gm_event = '0' order gm_gpstime desc limit 1;"; $db2 = new dbclass($sql2); while ($db2->fetch_array()) { echo '<tr id=\''.$db->get("gp_imei").'\' class=\'vehicle\'>'; echo '<td>'; echo $db->get("gp_name"); echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; if ($db->get("gp_sopir")) echo $db->get("gp_sopir"); echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo ago(time() - timetosecond($db2->get('gpstime'), 0));// berapa detik yang lalu echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<center><input type=\'checkbox\' class=\'checkbox\' id=\''; echo $db->get("gp_imei"); echo '\'></input></center>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $mode = cekstatusgps($db2->get('gm_accuracy'), substr($db2->get('gm_devicestate'),0,2)); echo '<center><img src=\'status/'.$mode.'.png\' width=\'20px\' height=\'20px\'></center>';// status echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo $db2->get('gm_speed').'km/h';// kecepatan echo '</td>'; echo '<td><center>'; if (substr($db2->get('gm_devicestate'),0,1) == '1'){ $engine = 'off'; } else if(substr($db2->get('gm_devicestate'),0,1) == '2'){ $engine = 'on'; } echo $engine;// engine on/off echo '</center></td>'; echo '<td>'; if ($db->get('gp_rgeo') == 1) { $posisi = parse_location($db2->get('jalan'). "," . $db2->get('kota'). "," . $db2->get('kabupaten'). "," . $db2->get('propinsi'). "," . $db2->get('negara'). "," . $db2->get('landmark')); } else{ $posisi = result_location($db2->get('gm_lat'),$db2->get('gm_lng')); } echo $posisi;// alamat echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } echo '</table>"'; ?> ); } $(document).ready(function() { $('#map').html('<object data="map.php?user=<?php echo $_session[' user_name ']?>" width="100%" height="100%">'); $(function() { vehicle(); setinterval(vehicle, 60000); }); $('.checkbox').change(function() { if (this.checked) { $('#map').html('<object data="map.php?imei=' + + '" width="100%" height="100%">'); $('.checkbox').not(this).prop('checked', false); } else { $('#map').html('<object data="status.php?user=<?php echo $_session[' user_name ']?>" width="100%" height="100%">'); } }); $('.vehicle').dblclick(function() { $('#status').html('<object data="status.php?imei=' + + '" width="100%" height="100%">'); }); }); </script>
i want refresh vehicle div when use coding checkbox , double-click functions not working.
since added elements page via echo
of php, have bind them again .on()
so instead of $('.checkbox').change(function(){});
change $('#vehicles').change('change', '.checkbox', function(){});
and add change echo
note make php messy, suggest making binding js function, calling function on echo
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