javascript - How to show one div on click and hide others on click using ui-route? -

my js:  var app = angular.module("dashboardapp", ["ngmaterial", "nganimate", "ngsanitize", "ui.bootstrap", "ngaria", "ui.router", "datatables", "gridshore.c3js.chart"]);  app.config(function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider, $locationprovider){      $locationprovider.hashprefix('');      $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('/systems');      $stateprovider         .state('systems',{             url:"/systems",             templateurl: 'pages/systems.html'         })          .state('summary', {             url:"/summary",             controller:"maxectrl",             templateurl: 'pages/summary.html'                }); });$rootscope, $location, $anchorscroll, $stateparams, $timeout) {        $rootscope.$on('$statechangesuccess', function(newroute, oldroute) {         $timeout(function() {            $location.hash($stateparams.scrollto);           $anchorscroll();         }, 100);       });     }); 

here trying inject $anchorscroll , scroll element id found in $location.hash() ----> in case here incident.


<div class="system_row2">                 <div class="col-sm-3">today incident's:</div>                 <div class="col-sm-9 ">                     <div class="col-sm-12">                         <a ui-sref="summary({scrollto:'incident'})">                             </a>                                </div> 

page2: using accordion here , providing id="incident" scroll element.

<div id="abc"> div 1 </div>  <div uib-accordion-group id="incident" class="panel-default">                         <uib-accordion-heading>                         <div class="accordion_heading">incidents</div>                         </uib-accordion-heading>                         <uib-accordion-body> </uib-accordion-body>                                     <table>                                     </table>                     </div> 


app.controller("maxectrl", ["$scope", "maxeservice", "dtoptionsbuilder", "$timeout", function($scope, maxeservice, dtoptionsbuilder, $timeout) {      console.log("angular: maxectrl in action")      $scope.oneatatime = true;      $scope.status = {             isfirstopen: true,             issecondopen: true     }; 

i want div id="incident" displayed when user clicks on "summary({scrollto:'incident'})" , other div id="abc" should hide.

appreciate kind of in advance.

i think looking named views. check here

sample above link

<!-- index.html -->      <body>         <div ui-view="filters"></div>        <div ui-view="tabledata"></div>          <div ui-view="graph"></div>        </body>  


$stateprovider         .state('report',{          views: {               'filters': {               templateurl: 'report-filters.html',              controller: function($scope){ ... controller stuff filters view ... }             },               'tabledata': {                 templateurl: 'report-table.html',                controller: function($scope){ ... controller stuff tabledata view ... }               },               'graph': {                 templateurl: 'report-graph.html',                controller: function($scope){ ... controller stuff graph view ... }               }          }          }) 

for ui-router >=1.0 check here


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