angularjs - How to wait/finish multiple insert function in for each loop? -

how asynchronously, print console.log("print this, after loop done")

i have foreach inside foreach.

insertservice not return value, want insert here.

i don't know how apply $q , $q.all. pls help.

   angular.foreach(main, function (value, key) {            //#1          selectservice1.selectid( (res) {              angular.foreach(res, function (value, key) {                insertservice1.insert(value).then(function (res) {                   console.log("new inserted service 1!");                 },                 function (err) {                 });               });           },             function (err) {            });             //#2          selectservice2.selectid( (res) {              angular.foreach(res, function (value, key) {                insertservice2.insert(value).then(function (res) {                   console.log("new inserted service 2!");                 },                 function (err) {                 });               });           },             function (err) {            });              //#3          selectservice3.selectid( (res) {              angular.foreach(res, function (value, key) {                insertservice3.insert(value).then(function (res) {                   console.log("new inserted service 3!");                 },                 function (err) {                 });               });           },             function (err) {            });      });                //                console.log("print this, after loop done");              } 

if insert() returns promise can this:

var inserts = []; inserts.push(insertservice1.insert(value)); inserts.push(insertservice2.insert(value)); inserts.push(insertservice3.insert(value));  $q.all(inserts).then(()=>{/*once have finished*/}); 


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