python - Trying to understand scipy and numpy interpolation -
if have measured data function don't know (let's it's either not important, or computationally difficult), such as
x2 = [0, 1, 10, 25, 30] y2 = [5, 12, 50, 73, 23]
and use numpy.interp
find intermediate values, gives me linear interpolant between points , straight line:
xinterp = np.arange(31) yinterp1 = np.interp(xinterp, x2, y2) plt.scatter(xinterp, yinterp1) plt.plot(x2, y2, color = 'red', marker = '.')
the example scipy.interpolate
docs gives
x = np.linspace(0, 10, num=11, endpoint=true) y = np.cos(-x**2/9.0) f = interp1d(x, y) f2 = interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic') xnew = np.linspace(0, 10, num=41, endpoint=true) plt.plot(x, y, 'o', xnew, f(xnew), '-', xnew, f2(xnew), '--') plt.legend(['data', 'linear', 'cubic'], loc='best')
with different kind
s of interpolation smoother curve. if want points in smooth curve, rather curve? there function in numpy or scipy can give discrete points along smoothed curve?
you can generate function points , reassign them variable when generated them , plotted them:
y_lin = f(xnew) y_cub = f2(xnew)
returns function can use generate data in turns can reassigned other variables , used way want. both outputs plotted together:
plt.plot(x, y, 'o', xnew, f(xnew), xnew, y_lin, '-', xnew, f2(xnew), xnew, y_cub, '--') plt.legend(['data', 'linear' ,'reassigned linear', 'cubic', 'reassigned cubic'], loc='best')
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