pdflatex - change alignment of \lfoot and \cfoot in latex with \fancyhdr -

i using \pagestyle{fancy} , trying align \lfoot , \cfoot sections of page.

here's code:

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{lipsum} \renewcommand\familydefault{\sfdefault} \makeatletter \usepackage[letterpaper,top=1.in,left=0.4in,right=0.4in]{geometry} \usepackage{calc} \usepackage{varwidth} %for varwidth minipage environment \pagestyle{fancy} \setlength{\footskip}{60pt}  \lhead{} \chead{} \rhead{} \lfoot{\includegraphics[scale=0.22]{fakelogo}} \cfoot{footer \\ more footer} \rfoot{} \renewcommand\headrulewidth{0pt} \renewcommand\footrulewidth{0pt} \fancyhfoffset[lh]{\oddsidemargin + \hoffset + 0.5in}  \begin{document}  \lipsum[1-5]   \end{document} 

this results in the resulting footer (i lack reputation embed it. sorry!)

based on reading of fancyhdr documentation , geometry, i've tried messing \footskip , \fancyhfoffset seem move both \cfoot , \lfoot, , keep them non-centered. ideas?

i'm not sure want, once fixed problem follows:

\lfoot{\includegraphics[height=2em]{../logos/zeropoint}} \cfoot{\small \thepage/\pageref{lastpage}} \rfoot{\small         \vspace{-1.5\baselineskip}         rpr hasselt \\         \url{https://zeropoint.hr} } 

it's pretty hack, worked. :-)

hope helps!


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