java - using a while loop for user to input multiple int and find the max and min -

so homework question prompt user series of integers , find max , min of integer. use loop , -99 break loop.below code question is there shorter way this? feel free comment , appreciate time reading this.

  scanner input=new scanner(;   int num1,num2,max,min;   system.out.print("enter number: ");   num1=input.nextint();   system.out.print("enter number: ");   num2=input.nextint();   max=math.max(num1,num2);   min=math.min(num1,num2);     while (num2!=-99){       system.out.print("enter number or -99 stop: ");       num2=input.nextint();       if(num2!=-99){       max=math.max(max,num2);       min=math.min(min,num2);       }    }   system.out.println("largest is: "+max);   system.out.println("smallest is: "+min); 

ok after working on this. did it. have small bug, don't wanna fix if anyway wants edit guest.

 scanner input = new scanner(;     int studentnum = 0;     arraylist<integer> calc = new arraylist<integer>();      while (studentnum <= 100) {          system.out.print("enter number: ");         calc.add(input.nextint());          studentnum += 1;          if (input.nextint() == -99) {             break;         }      }      int min = collections.min(calc);     int max = collections.max(calc);      (int = 0; < calc.size(); i++) {         int number = calc.get(i);         if (number < min)             min = number;         if (number > max)             max = number;     }      system.out.println("max " + max);     system.out.println("min " + min); 

this want. however, there problem checking exit signal.

 if (input.nextint() == -99) {             break;         } 

this checks if userinput equal -99 stops program , calculates , prints out min , max. tiny bug first ask number add array list , ask again userinput check if equal -99. overall want.

hope helped.

edit work on later , find way fix bug if no 1 else knows.


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