java - Dynamodb mapper unable to read when using @DBDocument annotation -
i have entity class has strings/ints member variable , member variable type photo. have defined photo type as:
@dynamodbdocument public static class photo { @dynamodbattribute(attributename = "url") public string geturl() { return url; } @dynamodbattribute(attributename = "width") public integer getwidth() { return width; } @dynamodbattribute(attributename = "height") public integer getheight() { return height; } public void seturl(string url) { this.url = url; } public void setwidth(integer width) { this.width = width; } public void setheight(integer height) { this.height = height; } private string url; private integer width; private integer height; public photo(string url, integer width, integer height) { this.url = url; this.width = width; this.height = height; } }
when try write entity object, can see photo type stored map (m).
but when try read dynamo same entity, gives exception: postingphotoentity[detail]; not unconvert attribute
if have define convert/unconvert photo, use of @dbdocument annotation. had thought can deserialize data table.
please help!
i had define default ctor photo
public photo() { }
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