Exception and Error in powershell -

try block throws exception in catch block resolve-error method gets $error null (zero elements in array), although $_.exception gives me correct message. reason , how should resolve it?

function resolve-error($errorrecord=$error[0]) {     $errorrecord | format-list * -force     $errorrecord.invocationinfo | format-list *     $exception = $errorrecord.exception     ($i = 0; $exception; $i++, ($exception = $exception.innerexception)) {         "$i" * 80         $exception | format-list * -force     } }  try {     dsfhjbahdjfb } catch {     write-host $_.exception     if ($_.exception.response -ne $null) {         $result = $_.exception.response.getresponsestream()         $reader = new-object system.io.streamreader($result)         $reader.basestream.position = 0         $reader.discardbuffereddata()         $responsebody = $reader.readtoend();         write-host $responsebody     }     resolve-error     throw "exception....." } 


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