vsts - Team member unable to connect in Visual Studio -

i have project @ myname.visualstudio.com/myteam/myproject. added contributor team, , able clone project. after upgrading vs2017, myname.visualstudio.com no longer appears in list of available servers when click manage connections. can see code through project's portal, clicking on "open in visual studio" results in message box visual studio saying "you not allowed access https://myname.visualstudio.com/defaultcollection". don't know if it's expected should have access defaultcollection, since have permissions see 1 of many projects.

either way, if can see code in portal, cannot see in visual studio, seems bug.

i have verified same microsoft account being used in both places. happens inherited account used log windows 10.

we've tried removing login in vs logging in again. doesn't ask credentials due inheriting windows 10.

i've tried removing permissions project reapplying.

they've tried adding server address manually. that's not allowed, because you're supposed select *.visualstudio.com domains automatically-populated list.

what next?

usually if team members has permission view/edit code in team, can clone/modify repo. can use way have try:

  • first, please let contributor login team project (myproject) own account. , make sure contributor can access myproject in portal.
  • then clone repo myproject directly in vs2017:

    vs2017 -> team explorer -> manage connections -> connect project -> select/add contributor’s email address/account -> select vsts account (myname.visualstudio.com) -> select team project (myproject) -> select repo under myproject -> clone (or connect tfvc repo).

    enter image description here enter image description here

then repo cloned/connected.


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