tensorflow - Tensorboard: Plot loss curves of mutiple models together -

in tensorboard, easy display loss curve of single cnn model. if trained 2 models seperately (inception-v4 , resnet, example) , want plot loss curves of @ same time(like figure shown below), should do? enter image description here

i think can achieve creating 2 separate filewriters - 1 each model:

inceptionwriter = tf.summary.filewriter('/tmp/tensorboards/example/inception4') resnetwriter = tf.summary.filewriter('/tmp/tensorboards/example/resnet') 

and using writers add summaries inpection , resnet models respectively.

inceptionwriter.add_summary(loss_summary, step) * * * resnetwriter.add_summary(loss_summary, step) 

the thing left run tensorboard using
command tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/tensorboards/example tensorboard automatically combine data in 1 plot

in case looks this

btw there interesting demo of basic tensorboard capabilities presented 1 of google's developers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebbedrscmv4&t=773s


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