reactjs - react-navigation: Include a Component in each screen -

i'm using stacknavigator redux below. cleanest way include component screens? i've tried adding child component both appwithnavigationstate , appnavigator no luck.

<provider store={store}>   <appwithnavigationstate /> </provider>  const appnavigator = stacknavigator({   login: { screen: login },   main: { screen: main }, }, {   headermode: 'none',   } })   const appwithnavigationstate = ({ dispatch, router }) => {   return(     <appnavigator navigation={addnavigationhelpers({ dispatch, state: router })} />   ) };  const mapstatetoprops = (state) => ({   state, });  export default connect(mapstatetoprops)(appwithnavigationstate); 

you can try add sibling component rather adding child component. try example below.


const appwithnavigationstate = ({ dispatch, router }) => {   return(     <view>         <appnavigator navigation={addnavigationhelpers({ dispatch, state: router })} />         <defaultcomponentforeachscreen />     </view>   ) }; 


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