css - Drupal 7 print.less editing issue -

drupal 7

bootstrap module installed sites/all/libraries/bootstrap/

i'm running issue editing css style page printing. when looking @ css through chrome dev tools shows css file: sites/all/libraries/bootstrap/css/less/print.less, file not exist. adding css style can't unset , need changed. when grep css causing me issues turns in: sites/all/libraries/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css.map, when edit css in file not change.

i have cleared cache using button in development > performance , using drush cc all, css not update.

i have tried adding less/print.less folder/file in hopes override, no success.

the specific css causing me problems this:

*, *:before, *:after { background: transparent !important; color: #000 !important; // black prints faster: h5bp.com/s box-shadow: none !important; text-shadow: none !important; }

the !important tag on background messing me up.

if tip me off how edit print.less i'd obliged.


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