
Showing posts from August, 2010

c# - Suitable Device management for use with Azure resource -

i developing web app. main functionality to provide options data different devices and display them on dashboard my current flow when started a device sending data this data device placed in azure table storage. as , when data gets azure latest received data flashing (displayed) in web app dashboard. the app getting bigger we expecting data more 1 device each device may have same\different parameters & values send azure so management of parameters corresponding each device needs handled for this, required make app manage devices- like registering new device, allow edit\delete of devices maintaining device related parameters ... ... my query in scenario device iot hub serve cause? or should make web app manage (add\edit\del..) devices or there better option in azure manage device send data placed on azure resource? please share thoughts. in scenario device iot hub serve cause? device management iot hub can serve

sql - Access path between parent and child tables in oracle -

when table_name (t9) , column_name (c1) given, need find out nearest parent table having column_name (c1) in it. for example: parent table path t9 t9(c9,c8) -> t8(c8,c7) -> t7(c7,c1) -> t6(c1,c2) -> t5(c1,c3) t9(c9,c11) -> x8(c11,c7) -> x7(c7,c1) -> t6(c1,c2) -> t5(c1,c3) t9(c9,c12) -> y8(c12,c7) -> y7(c7,c3) -> y6(c3,c1) -> t5(c1,c3) t9(c9,c13) -> z8(c13,c7) -> z7(c7,c2) -> z6(c2,c3) -> t5(c3,c1) above parent child relationship starting child table t9 (read t9 connected t8 via c8 , on) now need write query should return t9->t8->t7 t9->x8->x7 t9->y8->y7->y6 t9->z8->z7->z6->t5 i trying use all_constraints , all_cons_cols , connect path find hierarchical relationship. can me if have created such query. if have simple schema structure, might work you: select access_path ( select substr(sys_connect_by_path(a.table_name, '->'),3) access_path, column_name all_cons_

Excel reference to same address of other cell -

i have excel sheet containing product , price information. in sheet try make list of products combine product. want achieve can use 1 cell reference product name , price of product. i know possible value of cell in reference using functions index , address, not problem. cannot figure out how address product cell pointing at. example: +---+-------+--------------+------------+ | | | b | c | +---+-------+--------------+------------+ | 1 | name | price | quantity | +-------+--------------+------------+ | 2 | test | 12 | 1 | +---+-------+--------------+------------+ | 3 | | | | +---+-------+--------------+------------+ | 4 | =$a$2 | price of b2 |------------| +---+-------+--------------+------------+ at cell b4 want value of column b of row referenced a4. possible? yup, use: =vlookup(a4,a:b,2,false)

BadContextToken in SoapUI -

i see numerous examples of error being documented soapui users. solutions offered date make changes server settings. in case server not mine. so, there way know underlying setting on server, , change setting in soapui reflect that?

windows 10 universal - UWP : Issue with the backbutton on my app -

i followed ms examples @ letter still encounter odd issue. let me explain :) my app has 3 pages. main, add , help. main allows go add .navigate args. add allows go .navigate without args. add allows go main either backbutton or cancel button (the cancel button using goback()). can go add using backbutton. my code pretty simple on main page define request : in onnavigatedto() : systemnavigationmanager.getforcurrentview().appviewbackbuttonvisibility = appviewbackbuttonvisibility.visible; systemnavigationmanager.getforcurrentview().backrequested += mainpage_backrequested; the event handler : private void mainpage_backrequested(object sender, backrequestedeventargs e) { if (this.frame.cangoback) { this.frame.goback(); e.handled = true; } } my issue following : launch app => ok main -> add -> = main ==> ok main -> add -> -> = add ==> ok main -> a

java - convert an int array to another fixed length array with lambda -

what equivalent of following function lambda? private string convertweekdaytobitstring(int[] ia) { int[] sa = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; (int : ia) { if (i > 0 && < 8) { sa[i-1] = 1; } } return arrays.tostring(sa).replace("[", "").replace("]", "").trim(); } the purpose of function, mark "day of week" 1 according input array. example, if input array [5,6], output should 0,0,0,0,1,1,0 you stream 7 values using intstream , , each 1 check if it's in input array. if input array guaranteed sorted, use single statement this: return intstream .range(0, 7) .maptoobj(x -> string.valueof(arrays.binarysearch(ia, x) >= 0 ? 1 : 0)) .collect(collectors.joining(", "));

Autodesk Fusion 360 - File "in use by ..." error -

i trying delete file autodesk a360 project, , keep getting error saying file in use. shows red dot under thumbnail, along text "in use matthew matthew". matthew matthew username, not using file. how "un-use" file can delete it? don't have open in fusion. all appreciated, thanks!

javascript - Create element by dom but not submit in php form -

i creating form fields through dom inner html, when submitting form created fields not submit.. please tell me idea how can handle ... know why not showing ... var count = 7; $('#tbl_new_product tr:nth-last-child(2)').after( '<tr id="">' + '<td>' + '<b class="text-success">' + $('#create_row_title_id').val() + '</b>' + '<input type="hidden" id="create_row_label_' + count + '" name="create_row_label_' + count + '" value="' + $('#create_row_title_id').val() + '">' + '</td>' + '<td class="center">' + '<div class="form-group has-success has-feedback">' + '<input type="text" spel

python - Unable to glean data from other pages -

i've written script in python using post requests data webpage. webpage traverses 57 pages next or dropdown button. i've written far can fetch data first page. tried lot find way capture data going through it's next pages failed. how can data of 57 pages? in advance. here i've tried far: import requests lxml import html requests.session() session: session.headers = {"user-agent":"mozilla/5.0"} page ="", data={'ctl00$cphregistersmasterpage$gvwsearchresults$ctl18$ddlpages':'2'}, headers={'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) tree = html.fromstring(page.text) titles = tree.cssselect("table")[1]

javascript - excluding some tags from jquery -

i searched web not find proper answer question. using below code change english numbers persian. code changed whole body numbers , need apikey td excluded, idea? $(window).load(function() { $("[lang='fa']").find("*").andself().contents().each(function() { if (this.nodetype === 3) { this.nodevalue = this.nodevalue.replace(/\d/g, function(v) { return string.fromcharcode(v.charcodeat(0) + 0x06c0); }); } }); }); <script src=""></script> <div lang="fa"> <div>some text here , 1234567890</div> <table> <tr> <td id="apikey">123qwe456qwe123</td> <td id="apikey">456ert456</td> </tr> </table> </div> your ids need unique. use class , .not or :not $(w

Identify annotated variable in an LLVM pass -

how can identify annotated variable in llvm pass? #include <stdio.h> int main (){ int x __attribute__((annotate("my_var")))= 0; int a,b; x = x + 1; = 5; b = 6; x = x + a; return x; } for example, want identify instructions have annotated variable (x in case) , print them out (x = x+1; , x = x+a) how can achieve this? this .ll file generated using llvm ; moduleid = 'test.c' source_filename = "test.c" target datalayout = "e-m:e-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i64:64-i128:128-n32:64-s128" target triple = "aarch64" @.str = private unnamed_addr constant [7 x i8] c"my_var\00", section "llvm.metadata" @.str.1 = private unnamed_addr constant [7 x i8] c"test.c\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; function attrs: noinline nounwind optnone define i32 @main() #0 { %1 = alloca i32, align 4 %2 = alloca i32, align 4 %3 = alloca i32, align 4 %4 = alloca i32, align 4 store i32 0, i32* %1, align 4 %

javascript - Get pixel data back from programmatically generated image -

i generate array of pixels in client side javascript code , convert blob. pass url of blob image.src , revoke @ image.onload callback. don't keep references data, generated previous steps, data may freed gc. there many images generated way, , works fine. user may want save generated image clicking on save button near image. don't want generate image again, because generation slow, , image generated , visible on screen. want pixels image. tried create canvas again, draw image on , call toblob, browser treats image cross origin , throws exception: "failed execute 'toblob' on 'htmlcanvaselement': tainted canvases may not exported". similar errors canvas.todataurl , canvascontext.getimagedata. is there workaround problem? i tried create canvases instead of images, when create second canvas, content of first 1 clears. added error occurs in chrome , other webkit browsers. firefox , ms edge work fine. , when commented out line of code revoked bl

wif - How to install Windows Identity Foundation 3.5 on Docker dotnet-framework 4.7 container? -

i have .net application trying run using docker, requires wif 3.5 work. i've searched can find no definitive answer anywhere on how install onto container. here error receive when trying run program unhandled exception: system.aggregateexception: 1 or more errors occurred. ---> not load file or assembly 'microsoft.identitymodel, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified. i've downloaded msu file link , added container: but when open powershell in docker image , try , run using wusa.exe or anything, no feedback , gives me new command line - indicating me nothing @ all. when try .\windows6.1-kb974405-x64.msu , gives me directory titled 820a6a7341819d78e2130b contains contents of msu: windows6.1-kb974405-x64-pkgproperties.txt windows6

How to use an if-else statement in an array list? C# -

code: arraylist myname = new arraylist() { "xx", "y", "z" }; random rnd = new random(); int r =; console.writeline(myname[r]); string x = console.readline(); if(x == "xx") { console.writeline("welcome xx"); } else if () {}.... console.readline(); i trying generate random strings array list doing successfully. want display message when each string appears , used if-else statement this. however, if-else statement not working. point out error in code? arraylist myname = new arraylist() { "xx", "y", "z" }; random rnd = new random(); int r =; console.writeline(myname[r]); if (myname[r].equals("xx")) { console.writeline("welcome xx"); } else if (myname[r].equals("y")) { console.writeline("welcome y");

Nginx Serve 2 Different Directories With 2 Different URLs -

what trying use nginx serve 2 different directories in different places on file system using 2 different urls. so, given 2 directories on filesystem /path/to/dir1 , /path/to/dir2 want users on website able access mysite/d1 , mysite/d2 , have each of urls serving dir1 , dir 2 respectively. here have tried: server { listen 80; location /d1/ { root /path/to/dir1; autoindex on; } location /d2/ { root /path/to/dir2; autoindex on; } } i bit confused why isn't working, because when use config server { listen 80; location / { root /path/to/dir1; autoindex on; } } and navigate mysite/ can access dir1 expected the problem appending of request uri when use root location /d1/ { root /path/to/dir1; this means want search files in /path/to/dir1/d1/ . need alias because in case of alias request_uri taken after decl

c++ 1 unresolved external even though all functions are being used -

trying test out code see if 1 of constructors works i'm getting error saying have 1 unresolved external , unresolved external symbol_main referenced in function "int_cdecl invoke main (void)" (?invoke_main @@yahxz , have no idea why //cstring.h #ifndef cstring_h #define cstring_h using namespace std; namespace w1 { class cstring { public: char str[55]; cstring(char* mystr, int max); }; } #endif //source.cpp #include <iostream> #include "cstring.h" using namespace std; namespace w1 { int x; cstring::cstring(char * mystr, int max) { if (mystr == null) { str[0] = '\0'; } (int = 0; < max; i++) { mystr[i] = str[i]; x = i; } str[max] = '\0'; cout << str; } } //main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "cstring.h" using namespace std; namespace w1 { int main() { cstring y ("marco", 2); //in theory should print ma

z index - Layered images in Bootstrap 4 beta carousel -

i'm having terrible time trying figure out how want, figured i'd explain want, , provide codepen illustrates problem. what want: a carousel has various slides sandwich on middle, static image. think 3 layers -- 1 being bg, 2 being person in middle (the model), , 3 being foreground element. want slides contain bg , fg, model stay stationary. slides move, changes background , foreground elements. the problem: because i'm not well-versed in z-index hierarchy, i'm not sure how accomplish want. because slider requires me break 2nd layer out parent element doesn't animate between slides, when slides come, they're layered right according container, still sit behind model. can't life of me figure out how model in between elements in each slide. the example: the code: html <div class="container"> <div id="carouselexamplecontrols" class="carousel slide" data-ride=

python - TypeError when plotting histogram with Matplotlib -

i'm trying plot histogram of file of float numbers. contents of file this: 0.1066770707640915 0.0355590235880305 0.0711180471760610 0.4267082830563660 0.0355590235880305 0.1066770707640915 0.0698755355867468 0.0355590235880305 0.0355590235880305 0.0355590235880305 0.0355590235880305 0.0355590235880305 0.2844721887042440 0.0711180471760610 0.0711180471760610 0.0355590235880305 0.0355590235880305 0.1422360943521220 0.0355590235880305 0.0355590235880305 0.0711180471760610 0.0355590235880305 0.0355590235880305 0.0355590235880305 ... for reason, attempt throwing me typeerror: len() of unsized object . import matplotlib.pyplot plt input_file = "inputfile.csv" file = open(input_file, "r") all_lines = list(file.readlines()) file.close() line in all_lines: line = float(line.strip()) # removing '\n' @ end , converting float if not isinstance(line, float): # verifying data points converted float print type(line) print len(all_lines) # 1

PHP move_uploaded_file function errors in Safari but works in Chrome -

the following code uploads image in chrome browser fails in safari. safari up-to-date , cookies allowed. going wrong? <form action="" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="upload-btn-wrapper"> <button class="btn-2"><i class="fa fa-camera" aria-hidden="true"></i>select image</button> <input type="file" name="avatar" id="avatarbtn"/> </div> <button type="submit" name="usdet-1" class="btn-2" style="margin-top: 20px;">save details</button> </form> <?php $edavatar = $_files['avatar']['name']; $filetmploc = $_files["avatar"]["tmp_name"]; $filetype = $_files["avatar"]["type"]; $filesize = $_files["avatar"]["

Getting openCV error: Assertion Failed (scn ==3 || scn ==4) in python on RaspberryPi 3 -

i'm trying make gesture controlled lamp following steps shown here but i've run issue keep getting assertion failure def trackwand(): global rval,old_frame,old_gray,p0,mask,color,ig,img,frame color = (0,0,255) rval, old_frame = cv2.flip(old_frame,1,old_frame) old_gray = cv2.cvtcolor(old_frame, cv2.color_bgr2gray) equalizehist(old_gray,old_gray) old_gray = gaussianblur(old_gray,(9,9),1.5) dilate_kernel = np.ones(dilation_params, np.uint8) old_gray = cv2.dilate(old_gray, dilate_kernel, iterations=1) # take first frame , find circles in p0 = cv2.houghcircles(old_gray,,3,100,param1=100,param2=30,minradius=4,maxradius=15) try: p0.shape = (p0.shape[1], 1, p0.shape[2]) p0 = p0[:,:,0:2] except: print ("no points found") # create mask image drawing purposes mask = np.zeros_like

if statement - comparing two text strings in excel to find if they match -

i have derived file using 2 different methods; foxpro , sql. because familiar it, decided compare 2 end results in excel see if identical. 79,954 rows needless say, not going line line. first, want see if company names same. create new tab , put company name columns each next each other. there, first method used =exact (b2,c2) it returns false value when can see eyes not true. next use simple if statement, =if(b2=c2,0,1) it returns value of 1. is there better method of doing this? exact case sensitive need sure don't have up/low letter mismatch. you can use equal not case sensitive: =b2=c2 this formula return true or false. if it's still not working perhaps have spaces or other hidden characters. solution check if b2 includes c2 , opposite.

javascript - How are my popups not showing in my Leaflet map? -

how can make popups show in leaflet plot using code? leaflet(df) %>% addtiles() %>% setview(-119.09, 43.70, zoom = 5) %>% addcircles(~long, ~lat, popup=df$hrus, color="#ffa500") %>% addlegend("bottomright", colors= "#ffa500", labels="hrus", title="p") i can see dots, nothing shows on popup (inside rstudio view pane). tried saving html, saved page neither has basemap nor popup how can it? dput(df) structure(list(lat = structure(c(41.26124, 41.45247, 41.50923, 41.57602, 41.62999, 41.60664, 41.63508, 41.83411, 41.84721, 41.84382, 41.83294, 41.85096, 41.60179, 41.8572, 41.64224, 41.85058, 41.14342, 41.77109, 41.35783, 41.39253, 41.78496, 41.5982, 41.66492, 41.70302, 41.56481, 41.55544, 41.59929, 41.71257, 41.85876, 41.42739, 41.39722, 41.76483, 41.49387, 41.46879, 41.50355, 41.95393, 41.8932, 41.96956, 41.76675, 41.93061, 41.93767, 41.53439, 41.51667, 41.50472, 41.5053, 41.67506, 41.68689, 41.78533,

ssh - Problems to get a remote shell variable -

i have problem execution of shell script remote shell. i can't value of $arq_end. ssh -t user@machine << 'eossh' /app/work/leo/ #this script returns filename like: address_br_recife_20170913.txt arq_end="`/app/work/leo/`" eossh echo $arq_end #returns nothing! expected return: address_br_recife_20170913.txt setting variable in subshell isn't visible in parent shell. need set variable directly in parent shell. way pass output of through ssh session , parent shell , capture there. arq_end=$(ssh user@machine /app/work/leo/ echo "$arq_end"

uml - Is in a program with MVC a model and a view and a controller needed for every class that has some outputs? -

i'm net uml , mvc-pattern , don't know how bring program. i'm want build slotmachine , i'm trying bring uml slotmachine life. don't know if need 1 controller, 1 view , 1 model game or many of them different classes. following short experiment in uml: screenshot of uml . maybe coul explain me. thank you! for building mvc app, first have choose specific mvc approach (because there many, see book chapter mvc ), , make uml class diagram designing model classes. don't use uml designing views , controllers of app because based on model classes. typically, each model class, such game , need 1 controller , 4 'views' (or better user interfaces ): 1 each of 4 crud data management use cases. have written 2 tutorials show how use simple mvc architecture approach: building minimal javascript mvc app in 7 steps building minimal java mvc app in 7 steps

c++ - Number of Elements in a long long. -

is there way number of element in long long in c++? example want count number of element in 0x993232bf, answer should 8. in advance. int count_nibbles(long long n) { int r=0; while(n > 0) { n >>= 4; r++; } return r; } or if prefer suggested in comments: int count_nibbles(long long n) { for(; n > 0; n >>= 4) r++; return r; }

java - (SPRING) get user's information from postgresql database and print in thymeleaf html -

i'm using spring, , want print out user's detail database (i'm using postgresql) html page (thymeleaf based template), there way controller class, , how print on html thymeleaf page? here's detail of code: controller class, package com.owlexa.cms.web.controller; ... import com.owlexa.cms.dto.usersdto; import com.owlexa.cms.model.role; import com.owlexa.cms.model.users; import; import com.owlexa.cms.service.userservice; @controller @requestmapping("/case") @sessionattributes("searchparamsession") public class casecontroller extends basecontroller{ logger log = logger.getlogger(this.getclass()); @autowired private messagesource messagesource; @autowired userservice userservice; @preauthorize("hasanyauthority('"+aclconstant.menu_case_payment+"','"+aclconstant.menu_case_activecase

php - Retrieve sql data and generate as json file -

i trying retrieve data mysql , generate json file. output showing 1 row. there many rows inside database table. wrong code? $sql = "select * form_element"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); $response = array(); $data_array = array(); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { // output data of each row while($data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $id = $data['id']; $name = $data['name']; $email = $data['email']; $phone = $data['phone']; $address = $data['address']; $data_array = array( 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'address' => $address ); } } else { echo "0 results"; } $response['data_array'] = $data_array; $fp = fopen('results.json', 'w'); fwrite($fp, json_encode($response)); you're overwriting $data_array every time i

oauth 2.0 - Oauth2: Redirect URL for frontend or backend? -

i've learnt in oauth 2 redirect url set backend server end point, server responsible logging in user , send ui response. but modern web apps backend-frontend seperated, in such situation backend doesn't handle ui @ all. so question is:what common practices oauth2 in backend-fronted seperated applications(given it's web app , using oauth2's authorization code grant flow)?

PHP variable shortcut? -

is there shorter way this? in header, have this: $white1 = '/~jonathan/www/index.php'; $white2 = '/'; echo ($_server['request_uri']); and here how processing it: <?php if ( (($_server['request_uri']) == $white1) or (($_server['request_uri']) == $white2) ) echo 'custom-class'; ?> i'd have $white3 , $white4 allow ?lang=en when there handful of options want match against, use in_array this, $options = array( '/', '/~jonathan/www/index.php', ); if(in_array($_server['request_uri'], $options)) { echo 'custom-class' } this method makes easy add list of $options without changing payload or adding more single entry needed. keep array sorted make entries easy find , keep clean.

dos - Omit vowels from string in x86 assembly -

how can omit vowels string? tried using je instead print out z when loop line 0105. here code without , loop respectively without with you write 15 (0x0f) bytes file, second version has 20 bytes (0x14), resulting .com file contains code cmp dl, 0x41 , first byte of je opcode. kind of luck when run it, displays z , finishes without taking down whole dos executing random garbage memory. using proper assembler may bit easier, guess nasm has win binaries, , it's syntax not far masm/tasm, or debug.exe (which not masm/tasm either). (the point is, nasm free , recent). see first if can find reasonable nasm + dos tutorial. even using debugger run + verify code is absolutely essential , either dig docs debug.exe , try again cut-down version of see did, or search other dos debugger (my university provided me turbo debugger borland around 199x). if that, wouldn't need ask why z printed, resolving why lost instructions file.

java - Is there a other way to get system date? -

im using intellij idea. when run on cmder, displays this: output: tue may 31 00:00:00 sgt 2011 but want: 2017/09/14 code: serverdate = new date (); java.text.dateformat formatter = new java.text.simpledateformat("yyyy/mm/dd"); newdate = new; string rawserverdate = (formatter.format(newdate )); serverdate = formatter.parse(rawserverdate); i return value in date data type.

node.js - How to upgrade nodejs to latest version -

i'd upgrade lts 8.x. need integrate existing project. what's best way project continues work no problems after upgrade? (i'm on windows). since using windows easy upgrade latest node js version. just reinstall node .msi in windows node website. that trick. your project not affected after upgradations. also, npm upgraded well. it's safe following after upgradations. npm cache clean npm update -g

Can i use Node.js as a server side language -

i want develop small 'employee performance' application . have knowledge on client , server side programming,i don't have clear idea node js architecture, have knowledge on javascript, sql , choose node js option web development. want know whether can start development node js? , there server side security in node js? , node js having scope in please correct me if im wrong check out express node. it's minimalist web framework can started with. can use helmet module basic security.

Java: How to compare a string to a return from toString() -

basically when try compare class string using .equals returns false time. for example: public string tostring() { return "apple"; } system.out.println(myclass.equals("apple")); will print "false". what should use compare myclass string? you need override definition form object class : @override public string tostring() { return "apple"; } and compare system.out.println(myclass.tostring().equals("apple")); where myclass shall instance of myclass using code conventions .

python - MD5 mismatch when upload large file using webpy with uwsgi -

we found big problem, when start webpy following script: uwsgi --master --plugin python,http --harakiri 60 --harakiri-verbose --post-buffering 8192 --http-raw-body --socket :3899 --wsgi-file -p 16 --threads 16 --chdir pwd -d uwsgi.log and upload 22.9mb file (apk) through form submit /app/upload.json enctype multipart/form-data then found these file been changed uwsgi. $ md5sum *.apk adc952ca3c7702f1134c93738248374b *59b9dd2fde88e94da2a87514.apk adc952ca3c7702f1134c93738248374b *59b9ded2de88e91e13a6f139.apk adc952ca3c7702f1134c93738248374b *59b9e2c6de88e94da2a8764c.apk adc952ca3c7702f1134c93738248374b *59b9ec13de88e91e13a6fc42.apk ac69d0b0f970c9da7f4768e5c3d5ff92 *gs.apk note gs.apk origin file , other files uploaded form submit. and these files have same size. -rwxrwx---+ 24009861 九月 14 09:38 59b9dd2fde88e94da2a87514.apk -rwxrwx---+ 24009861 九月 14 09:45 59b9ded2de88e91e13a6f139.apk -rwxrwx---+ 24009861 九月 14 10:01 59b9e2c6de88e94da2a8764c.apk -rwxrwx---

angularjs - 'FullCalendar" can't adjust time lower than 30 minutes -

i working on schedule in primeng : i facing issue how add time schedule. see can add date schedule , adjust time more 30 minutes. can't adjust duration time lower 30 minutes. i using angular 2 technology in app. have ideas case ? want create schedule microsoft outlook. can add time , date schedule. i using sample code in website : thanks, you linked the documentation yourself, says property slotduration allows set desired time slot duration.

ios - Parallelizing xcodebuild in QB onto different agents -

i wonder if there way parallelize xcodebuild onto different machines. working in big ios project many libraries. command line xcodebuild takes time complete full build. have many mac pc , want make task running parallel reduce build time. please guide.

xampp - roundcube password plugin gives error 600 -

i have installed xampp , hmailserver , roundecube. have followed tutorial integrate roundcube mail . problem is, password not change gives error service not available! error no. [600] know how solve issue.

C# - Parallel.ForEach and Async combination -

i've problem parallel.foreach , async combination. here code - new thread(() =>{ //doing stuff here parallel.foreach(.....,paralleloption,async(j,loopstate) => { //await stuff here like: // httpresponsemessage res = await httpclient.getasync(url); // updateui } }).start(); now, problem how can sure of loop has completed jobs? ends in few seconds uiupdateing continue more time. how possible wait await httpclient.getasync(url) complete , update ui? using async/await multiple tasks return task.whenall( => dosomething(1, i, blogclient))); i don't know what's in actual loop code. if put more can make more specific. though use whenall await of ascnc tasksf

is mq v9 docker image available for windows -

i looking mq v9 docker image windows.but unable find link run image on docker.instead have seen links of tool expertise have explained mq image linux. if aware of this, please share link, helpful me. thanks.:) assuming talking ibm mq. there no support ibm mq windows image. platform supported containerized platform linux. source: no mention of other platform linux on configuring ibm mq in docker knowledge center page now in theory could create 1 hand using sample mq dockerfile , config files available on github basis. if encounter problems won't able ibm. that said. if talking running ibm mq docker image on windows machine (so host machine docker installed on windows) can still run linux image inside docker. windows docker installs vm runs images , vm linux meeting requirements set out on docker support on linux systems knowledge center page

java - How to use Jackson to conditionally serialise the fields of a POJO -

i have java class public class categoryitem implements serializable { private long id; private string name; private manager manager; } in 1 case,i need convert fields json. on other case,i need 'id'and 'name' how can do? give me tips.thanks annotate pojo id , name attributes @jsonproperty , manager @jsonignore when want id , name , use default objectmapper. when want fields, use custom objectmapper per question/answer .

pdf - Jasper SimplePdfExporterConfiguration not working -

i using below code configure jasper pdf not affecting configuration simplepdfexporterconfiguration pdfreportconfiguration = new simplepdfexporterconfiguration(); pdfreportconfiguration.setpermissions(0); pdfreportconfiguration.setuserpassword("ss"); jrpdfexporter exporterpdf= new jrpdfexporter(); exporterpdf.exportreport();

html - My page design is not proper in firefox and IE. It is working on google chrom only -

in testimonial page last row not looking in firefox , blurb on next line. working proper in chrome. my page link: adding min-height in div structure, requirement can solved. you can add min-height per requirement. every block having different size of text taking problem in firefox , ie. refer images below 1) firefox browser 2) ie browser

flask - Custom error handler in flask_restful throws NameError -

i trying add custom error code flask_restful api, following directions given in docs not receive correct response , getting nameerror: global name 'unsupportedmediatype' not defined message. doing wrong here? # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- flask import flask, request flask_restful import resource, api import service errors = { 'unsupportedmediatype': { 'message': 'unsupported media type', 'status': 415 } } app = flask(__name__) api = api(app, errors=errors) class service(resource): def post(self): if request.is_json: data = request.get_json() return service.handler(args['data']) else: raise unsupportedmediatype api.add_resource(service, '/') if __name__ == '__main__':'', debug=true) you must store error handler function. this: def error(exception): return {some json error data message &#

ios - Tapping on button dismisses the keyboard instead of calling its TouchUpInside event -

i have viewcontroller single textfield , 1 button , when start editing text in textfield ,keyboard pops up. now if tap on button , closes keyboard first on second tap button's touchupinside event gets fired. that means if want tap on button need tap twice i.e; first tap closes keyboard , can tap on button . i able tap on button without closing keyboard . using iqkeyboardmanager , don't know if can cause of such behaviour. this iqkeyboardmanager code iqkeyboardmanager.sharedmanager().enable = true iqkeyboardmanager.sharedmanager().shouldresignontouchoutside = true iqkeyboardmanager.sharedmanager().touchresignedgestureignoreclasses = [uinavigationbar.self,uicontrol.self

Java socket wait more than 1min to try connect with server -

this question has answer here: setting timeout socket operations 5 answers socket requestsocket = new socket(a, 6666); when try connect serwer , server unavailable gave wait 1 min or more see ja failed connect / (port 6666): connect failed: etimedout (connection timed out) 09-14 08:36:02.705 3244-3345/net.simplifiedcoding.navigationdrawerexample w/system.err: @ how can set lower time try connect server ? i suppose you're using socket.connect(socketaddress) method. there socket.connect(socketaddress, int) can specify timeout second parameter. hope helps!

javascript - Limit user to access one data at a time -

i need suggestion on how implement condition: have system there admins can edit student/user profiles, problem have multiple admins editing profiles dont want happen 2 or more admins editing 1 specific profile @ same time. familiar javascript , little in jquery , ajax. my current solution in has flaws , limit condition is, whenever admin clicks profile trigger status database update column currently_open profile "yes" other admins cant open same profile anymore , admin editing profile, way trigger status of user click save or submit button update database column currently_open "no". well problem of method whenever browser closed, refreshed, session time out or connection lost. status remain open , last admin editing profile wont able access anymore.

php - Storing an object in mysqli database -

i developing facebook app requires me store information in mysqli database , retrieve it. data example array(1) { ["id"]=> string(17) "10213388667928851" } please share views possible. you can convert string serialized array ( serialize ) or json document ( json_encode ). the best solution depends on project details.

java - Vertica Jdbc driver NOT throwing - SQL state: 22001 when ERROR: value too long for type -

i have issue i'm facing vertica jdbc driver try store data db - data isn't stored @ , don't error appear succeeded. happens when try use file. this seems major bug - against 4 pillar of data managment. sample code attached. how can solve this? public class verticatest { public static void main(string[] args) throws exception { class.forname("com.vertica.jdbc.driver"); string tablename = "vertica_test1"; java.sql.connection connection = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:vertica://", "user", "admin"); java.sql.statement st = connection.createstatement(); st.execute("create table " + tablename + " (test_name varchar(10))"); st.execute("grant on " + tablename + " public "); string value = "short"; if (true) { value = "543543543 sun aug 11 065650

python - How to get the outer join data? -

there 3 tables. a = class(base): __tablename__ = 'a' id = column(integer, primary_key=true) employee_number = column(string, nullable=false) b = class(base) __tablename__ = 'b' id = column(integer, primary_key=true) employee_number = column(string, nullable=false) work = column(integer, nullable=false) c = class(base) __tablename__ = 'c' id = column(integer, primary_key=true) employee_number = column(string, nullable=false) work = column(integer, nullable=false) d = query(b).union(query(c)) how ( outerjoin d on employee_number ) ? thank much!

ios - Retrieve only one value(forKey: ) from Firebase Database -

right have used breakpoint check value @ each step of method. print statement works know going through. value of newannotationsubtitle "1 cupertino ca, us" , want check if annotationsubtitle in database same. let existingannotationsubtitle returns nil know there value. can't seem access key: value . can change? for reference, placemarkname = "apple infinite loop" let annotationref = database.database().reference(withpath: "annotationitems") annotationref.observesingleevent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in print("it works") if snapshot.haschild(placemarkname!) { let newannotationsubtitle: string = preannotationlistitem.preannotationsubtitle let existingannotationsubtitle = snapshot.childsnapshot(forpath: placemarkname!).value(forkey: "annotationsubtitle")! as? string } my json looks "annotationitems" : { "apple infinite loop" : { "annotationsubtitle" : &q

php - Non-static method Redis::get() cannot be called statically in laravel 5.4? -

i working on redis store data working fine in local system. have installed redis in laravel command composer require predis/predis , redis setup of window installed. when store data in redis this:- redis::set('first',"my first test"); // put data in redis key echo redis ::get('first'); // data above code working fine in local system. when try use code in live server showing below error:- please me resolve issue. using amazon-ec2 server in advance :)

swift - custom number formatter with currency symbol -

i have text field user should enter price. on text field dragged custom number formatter settings: this works perfect have problem "format". @ moment is: .#.## but have change show automatically correct user currency symbol @ end? for static solution can change format .#.## .#.## € if you're looking universal way it, you're interested symbol ¤ , responsible currency sign. so format looking ,#.## ¤ last step check option lenient, otherwise need provide full format in text field. more details since osx 10.9 , ios 7 format strings uses patterns the unicode technical standard #35 of version 31 . you can find number format patterns in version here apple documentation number formatters

cron - How to remove this cronjob in ubuntu -

i'm running webserver plesk , installed extension 'kernel care' later on deleted. however, installed cronjob sends me mail every 4 hours: cron <root@server> /usr/bin/kcarectl --auto-update unknown kernel (ubuntu 3.13.0-042stab123.9) i ssh server , run crontab -l root but don't see specific cronjob . however, in /etc/cron.d there file kcare-cron , if cat file shows 16 */4 * * * root /usr/bin/kcarectl --auto-update so thats 1 want delete. can delete file kcare-cron? type below command in terminal: contab -e then comment line # @ start of line below: #16 */4 * * * root /usr/bin/kcarectl --auto-update or if want delete can delete line. on saving file automatically use changes in crontab.

php - How to change category thumbnail size in woocommerce -

with following code managed display featured categories title, description , thumbnail. when uploaded thumbnail, 500*500 in dimensation. when visit page see thumbnail being cropped 150*150. <?php $args_t = array( 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'include' => array( 16, 15, 17 ), 'orderby' => 'meta_value', ); $thirds_categories = get_categories( $args_t ); foreach ( $thirds_categories $cat ) { if( $cat->category == 0 ) { $cat_class = mb_strtolower($cat->name); $image = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumbnail_id ); $cat_thumb_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta( $cat->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true ); $cat_thumb_url = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url( $cat_thumb_id ); $term_link = get_term_link( $cat, 'product_cat' );?> <div class="categories_box"> <a href

How to change background color in visualforce page using slds class? -

i working visualforce pages. trying change background color of visualforce page. but, can't able that. here's code: <div class="slds-color__background_gray-12 slds-p-around_medium"> <p>.slds-color__background_gray-12</p> </div> when trying above code not getting gray background "div" or "p" tag. appearing default white background itself.

ios - Rotate view from anchor swift -

in application, calculating bmi of user based on height , weight. based on bmi value animating needle. issue needle moves off center , rotates. code: ivpointer.layer.anchorpoint = cgpoint(x: 0, y: 0.5) // have changed values still not working let angle = double((value * double.pi)/180) var transform = cgaffinetransform.identity.rotated(by: cgfloat(angle))

elasticsearch - Query with multi_match is getting not expected order -

i need find phrase in document , need in title , content. title more important content, expect following result: get first documents have match both in title , content get documents have match in title get documents have match in content it seems quite basic stuff. so i've created index , data this: put /test_index put /test_index/article/3263 { "id": 3263, "pagetitle": "lösungen", "searchable_content": "abc" } put /test_index/article/1005 { "id": 1005, "pagetitle": "lösungen", "searchable_content": "test! lösungen test?" } put /test_index/article/677 { "id": 677, "pagetitle": "lösungen", "searchable_content": "test lösungen test!" } put /test_index/article/666 { "id": 666, "pagetitle": "abc", "searchable_content": "test lösungen test abc" }

javascript - Writting a reschedulable cron job in Node.js -

i using node-schedule node package write cron job. able write simple schedular want reschedulable job. in app, users can start task specific date. can acheive below code. var schedule = require('node-schedule'); var date = new date(2012, 11, 21, 5, 30, 0); var j = schedule.schedulejob(date, function(){ console.log('do on scheduled date'); }); the problem i've how can reschedule selected scheduled job. let's say, if user a started job run on date 10/14/2017 , created new cron job run on date 10/14/2017 . user a decides change task date 1/14/2017 , how identify task created user a out of multiple tasks in queue (created other users) , reschedule cron job new date i.e. 1/14/2017? j has reschedule method can call. see . j.reschedule(new date); to keep track of jobs, might use object map user scheduled job. const userjobs = {}; userjobs['user a'] = schedule.sch

sql - Get Sum of weighted average over Interval -

first of all, i'm using microsoft access 2002-2003 , using query in vba. means if possible need whole sql string can insert custom interval boundaries vba. i have table layout: date | value 1.1.2010 1 1.1.2012 2 1.1.2015 3 i need sql query gets me weighted average of values in variable interval. the idea values apply 1 date next, value 1 example applies 1.1.2010 31.12.2011 , on. variable interval can (and of time) cut these, if interval 1.7.2010 1.7.2012 need consider 1.7.2010 - 31.12.2011 , 1.1.2012 - 1.7.2012 if interval starts before first date, value of first date used. two examples: 1.1.2010 - 31.12.2012 -> (2*1 + 2) / 3 = 1.33 (two years of 1 , 1 of 2) 1.1.2008 - 1.7.2012 -> (4*1 + 0.5 * 2) / 4.5 = 1.11 (four years of 1 , half of 1 of 2) my biggest problems getting these multiple intervals (especially custom interval) , getting value default first 1 if interval starts before first date. my current query: select sum(t